How Do Students Add Placement/Co-op Hours?

  1. Students can start to add hours by selecting the  icon on the left toolbar
  2. To begin, select the button in the top right corner of the page
  3. Students have the option to Label their hours (e.g. Week 1)
  4. Change the Category to Placement/Co-op under the Category type, then the hours will automatically change the Hour Type to a weekly block
  5. Next, add your Organization/Employer. Click the icon to add your employer’s information.
  6. Please fill out the Organization Name, Supervisor Name, Email, Phone Number, and their Position (e.g. Cashier)
  7. Under Skills Learned, you must add at least one new skill that you learned during your placement each week (e.g. Customer Service, Oral Communication)
  8. Please add a Description of what you did during your work hours (i.e. I learned how to use the cash register, I worked on filing papers)
  9. The week will automatically begin on the Monday of the current week and each day  will be listed for you to begin adding shifts
  10. To add a new shift, simply click the + symbol beside the days you worked
  11. The hours will automatically be set to Placement (Unpaid), however, you can also track Placement (Paid), In-School/Integration, Pre-Placement, and Dual Credit hours
    – If you take a Lunch/Break this will deduct minutes from the overall hours
    -If you were Absent or Late, please select the boxes to mark your attendance
  1. You can also add two shifts for one day by selecting the + symbol twice
  2. Once you have added and reviewed your hours for the week, you can select either  button to Save the hours as a draft, or Save and Submit to send to your Employer.
  • When clicking, the hours are submitted to the placement supervisor and become “Pending” hours
  • When students select “Placement” for the first time from the drop-down menu while adding hours, Placement becomes their new default hour type.


How do students copy a log?

Students can create a copy of their hours by clicking  at the right side of the desired hours:

This will allow students to select Copy which creates an identical Draft of their hours.

If students have consistent hours each week (e.g. 9:00am to 12:00pm), then they can add hours and save those hours as a template. They can leave the template in Draft status and copy that template each week and even add a personalized Label (e.g. “template”).