How do I decline and delete pending hours?

Declining Pending Hours

Pending hours can be declined by completing the following steps:

  1. Click on the  tab at the top of the page to show your hours and their related status
  2. Click on the Pending hours you wish to decline
  3. Once you’re on the Hours page, click the  button in the top right corner
  4. Click on this button to change your Pending hours into Declined hours

Deleting Hours

Hours can be deleted by completing the following steps:

  1. Click on the  tab at the top of the page to show your hours and their related status
  2. Click on the hours you wish to delete
  3. Once you’re on the Hours page, click the  button in the top right corner

NOTE: If you accidentally delete the wrong hours, please send the name of the student and any details you recall to so that we can restore the hours for you.



How can I save or print one page of a form?

If you are interested in saving and/or printing only one page of a form, follow the steps below:

  1. Save and Export the form in Hour Republic by clicking the button shown here:saveexport
  2. Select the Print icon print
  3. Type “1” in the Pages field (outlined by the yellow circle in the image below) to only print or save page 1. Change the number to match the number of the page you want to print (e.g. “2” if you want to print page 2)  prin1
  4. Select the Print button (blue button in the picture above) to save/print the specified page