How do I create a new Signup Code for my class?

1.First, create a Class if you haven’t already.

2. Next, create a class-wide Signup Code for your students before they register accounts. When students enter this code during registration, they automatically get added to your Class.

3.Select the  symbol to add new signup code

4. Either create your own random code (e.g. Winter2020) or click the Randomize button to create a random code
NOTE: The codes must be at least 5 characters.

4. Select the Semester from the drop down

5. Click Save to finish adding the new code
NOTE: Once saved,  you can view which students are associated with the sign up code by scrolling to the bottom of the page

  • Remember to create a Class first! When students register with this sign up code, they automatically get assigned to your Class.
  • You only need to create one sign-up code per class, and multiple students can sign-up using one code.
  • You do not need to create a Signup Code if you are a guidance counselor
  • You can modify your Signup Code at any time by returning to the page of the Signup Code you just created and typing in a new Signup code. Make sure you save your changes once you’re done.