Classes are used by teachers to organize students into groups (e.g. Semester 1 co-op students).
The Signup Code is used to easily attach students to a Class. i.e. when students enter the provided Signup Code into their registration form, they automatically get added to the Class.
e.g. Class name: Semester 1, 2024-2025 [teacher name]
Signup Code: 2024sem1
Creating a Class
#1. To begin creating a new class, select your high school on the left tool bar
#2. Click the Classes icon
#3. Select the in the top right corner to create a new class
#4. Enter a name for your Class, you choose! It’s your way of organizing students:
(e.g. Semester 1, 2024-2025 [teacher name])
#5. Add a date range to your class (e.g. from the first day of a semester to the last day of a semester). The progress bar will reset to zero for returning students, simply hiding logs from previous semesters.
TIP: Students need to select the Class filter (e.g. Sem 2 2020-21) in the Hour section in order for the date range to take effect.
TIP: Beside Total Submissions in the Hour section, we indicate how many submissions are hidden when the Class filter is selected (e.g. 15 submissions hidden by filter).
#6. You will automatically be added as a teacher/coordinator table when you create a new class.
TIP: To remove a teacher from your class code, simply click the "-" symbol beside a teacher's name, and click
TIP: To add another teacher/coordinator, click thesymbol. Use the search bar, or filters to locate teachers/coordinators, then click the check box beside the teacher's/coordinator's name to add them to the class, then Done.
#7. Click to create this new class
Signup Code
#8. This will cause the sign up code table to pop up and allow you to create sign up code for your class by clicking the symbol.
NOTE: Providing this code to your class will automatically assign them to it when they register with the code.
#9. Enter a sign up code (2024sem1) or select the button to have one created for you:
TIP: Keep your sign up code simple to avoid students from making typos!
#10. To finish, click
Congratulations! Your class is ready to go😀
Adding / Removing a Student from a Class
Students are automatically added to your Class when they register with the Sign Up Code you provided.
NOTE: Students must register an account before they can be added to a Class.
#1. To begin, select your high school on the left tool bar to access the main administrator section
#2. Click the Classes icon
#3. From the table, click on the class that you would like to add or remove a student from.
#4. To add a student, click the symbol in the second table (with the Student column).
Search the list, or use the search bar, or use the filters to locate student(s). Select a student by clicking the check box beside the student’s name, and Done.
TIP: To remove a student from the class, click the "-" remove icon beside the student's name.
#5. To finish, click