How Do Students Add Placement/Co-op Hours?

  1. Students can start to add hours by selecting the  icon on the left toolbar
  2. To begin, select the button in the top right corner of the page
  3. Students have the option to Label their hours (e.g. Week 1)
  4. Change the Category to Placement/Co-op under the Category type, then the hours will automatically change the Hour Type to a weekly block
  5. Next, add your Organization/Employer. Click the icon to add your employer’s information.
  6. Please fill out the Organization Name, Supervisor Name, Email, Phone Number, and their Position (e.g. Cashier)
  7. Under Skills Learned, you must add at least one new skill that you learned during your placement each week (e.g. Customer Service, Oral Communication)
  8. Please add a Description of what you did during your work hours (i.e. I learned how to use the cash register, I worked on filing papers)
  9. The week will automatically begin on the Monday of the current week and each day  will be listed for you to begin adding shifts
  10. To add a new shift, simply click the + symbol beside the days you worked
  11. The hours will automatically be set to Placement (Unpaid), however, you can also track Placement (Paid), In-School/Integration, Pre-Placement, and Dual Credit hours
    – If you take a Lunch/Break this will deduct minutes from the overall hours
    -If you were Absent or Late, please select the boxes to mark your attendance
  1. You can also add two shifts for one day by selecting the + symbol twice
  2. Once you have added and reviewed your hours for the week, you can select either  button to Save the hours as a draft, or Save and Submit to send to your Employer.
  • When clicking, the hours are submitted to the placement supervisor and become “Pending” hours
  • When students select “Placement” for the first time from the drop-down menu while adding hours, Placement becomes their new default hour type.


How do students copy a log?

Students can create a copy of their hours by clicking  at the right side of the desired hours:

This will allow students to select Copy which creates an identical Draft of their hours.

If students have consistent hours each week (e.g. 9:00am to 12:00pm), then they can add hours and save those hours as a template. They can leave the template in Draft status and copy that template each week and even add a personalized Label (e.g. “template”).

Why isn’t an Employer or Parent/Guardian receiving my email to verify hours?

If a Organization/Employer or Parent/Guardian is not receiving hour logs, then please review the following possible reasons:

  • The contact’s email was entered incorrectly
    If the contact’s email has been inputted incorrectly (e.g. spelling errors), then the student’s submission will not go through. Please ensure that students are submitting their logs to the correct email address.

NOTE: You can confirm a contact’s email by reviewing a student’s hour logs to see which email address has been recorded.

  • Verification emails have not been received by a contact or organization    Emails may not be received by the contact or organization as a result of their inbox being full or their email server being down. To check if this is the case, email the organization directly. If they are experiencing issues with their email, please call the organization to let them know.
  • Verification emails have been sent to the spam or junk folders 
    Emails from “” may be directed to spam or junk folders depending on the email firewall in use by a contact or organization. Please ask the contact to check their Spam and/or Junk folders and to add “” to a Safe List. They can also search their Inbox, searching “Hour Republic”, to locate the email message.

If the organizations needs assistance checking their spam folder or adding our email to their safe list, please send them this FAQ.

If none of the above reasons apply, then there are alternate ways to verify hours:

  • Share a direct link of the hour log with an Organization/Employer or Parent/Guardian
    Teachers can share a direct link with an Organization/Employer (or with Parents/Guardians specifically as it relates to volunteer hours) to verify  hours. Simply click on the “Copy hour verification link” and paste that link into any message. That will take an employer directly to an hour summary web page where they can verify hours. This is a helpful alternative when employers have not received an hour submission via email. Or, when you need someone else to verify an hour log (e.g. supervisor who is covering off for a colleague).
  • Re-send the email to a Company or Contact   
    If the company has not verified the hours after a long period of time, then please have the student edit their pending hours and click   to resend the verification email to the company or contact.
  • Teachers can “Save and Approve” the Hours       
    If a student cannot contact their organization and their hours are not being verified, guidance can manually save and approve of a student’s hours without verification from the organization.

Draft Email to Employer

I understand that you are not receiving verification emails from Hour Republic.

Sometimes, emails from Hour Republic ( may be directed to your Spam or Junk folders depending on the email firewall in use by your organization. Please check your Spam and/or Junk folders to locate the message.

If you are still unable to locate the email message, then please search your Inbox,  searching for “Hour Republic”, to locate the message.

Finally, you can add “” to a Safe List. This can usually be done directly in your email account, or via your IT department.

How do I Track Overnight Shifts?

If you work overnight shifts and have any questions about how to set up the shifts in Hour Republic, then is FAQ is for you:
1. Go to your  section
2. Click on in the top right corner
3. Fill in the necessary information such as employer/organization, skills learned, and the description
4. Now, scroll down the list of weekdays and click on the  icon next to the first day of your overnight shift
5. Set the start time for your shift to whenever you started your shift and the end time to 11:59 pm
6. Next, add a shift to the day after the first shift. Set the start time for the shift to 12 am and the end time to the end of your shift.
7. Fill in the rest of the information then either click  or 
If you have any questions about adding more than one shift, please see this FAQ

How does a Student Add More than One Shift?

If a student has multiple shifts in one day, here is how they can add those shifts to their weekly log:

1.While adding hours in a Weekly format, click on the  icon twice next to the desired day (e.g. Monday).

2. An additional shift should appear. You can keep adding more shifts by clicking the icon.

3. If you have accidentally added a shift, you can select the  icon next to the desired shift to remove it.


This guide only applies to the Weekly Hour Type


Exporting summary and weekly reports of hours

How do students print one hour log?

In the Hours section, students can export one entry of their hours by clicking at the right side of the desired hours. Select Export to create a PDF summary of hours and print.


How do students print a summary of all of their hours?

In the Hours section, students can export a summary report of their hours by clicking the Export iconbelow their progress bar.



How do students add Volunteer and Other Hours?

Students can start to add hours by selecting the  icon on the left toolbar

1. To begin, they will select the button in the top right corner of the page

2. Students have the option to Label their hours (e.g. Week 1)

3. Under Category, they can choose from Volunteer, Placement / Co-op, Extracurricular, Peer Tutor, Training and/or Faith-Based hours (options vary by school)

4. Next, they will need to search for an Organization/Employer. If the employer is not present, they can add a new one by clicking the icon

5. Please have the students fill out the Organization Name, Supervisor Name, Email, Phone Number, and their Position (e.g. Warehouse Volunteer)

6. Students can add a Skill they learned and a Description of what they did during their work hours

7. For the Type of Hours field, students can either add hours as a Block (e.g. weekly, monthly etc..)
OR Shift, where they can add the specific date and time (i.e. September 9th, 9:00am-5:00pm).

8. Add your Parent/Guardian email.

9. Once the student has added and reviewed their hours, they can select button to save the hours as a draft, or submit to their Organization/Employer & Parents/Guardian.

How do students copy a log?

Students can create a copy of their hours by clicking  at the right side of the desired hours:

This will allow students to select Copy which creates an identical Draft of the hours.

If students have consistent hours each week (e.g. 9:00am to 12:00pm), then they  can add hours and save those hours as a template. They can leave the template in Draft status and copy that template each week.


Hour Status Definitions

A student has saved (Save button) the information but has not submitted (Save and Submit button) the log for verification.

A student has submitted (Save and Submit button) their log (to an employer for their placement; to a parent/guardian and organization) but it has not been verified or declined yet.

NOTE: Students and teachers/coordinators can re-send the hour log as a reminder to verify hours by clicking the Save and Submit button again. Teachers/coordinators can also Decline a log to turn it back into a Draft log to re-submit for verification.

Student hours were declined by the placement supervisor or by a teacher/coordinator. Possible reasons: the information submitted by the student was not accurate, there was not enough detail, and/or the student forgot to mention a task or project.

Student hours were verified by placement supervisor or by their teacher/coordinator (Save and Approve button).

What is the Approved Check Mark on the Student’s Hour Section?

When a student’s hours are Verified by an employer, a teacher has the ability to ‘Approve’ the hours. This feature is available for both the Placement and Volunteer dashboards.

The purpose of this to serve as an indicator to the student that they are on the right track. The check mark also allows teachers to keep track of which logs they have reviewed to date.

Under the Approved column, once you have clicked the Approved button, the checkmark will appear yellow indicating you have reviewed and approved these hours. Verified hours that are not approved and Non-Verified hours will appear as blank.

How do I decline and delete pending hours?

Declining Pending Hours

Pending hours can be declined by completing the following steps:

  1. Click on the  tab at the top of the page to show your hours and their related status
  2. Click on the Pending hours you wish to decline
  3. Once you’re on the Hours page, click the  button in the top right corner
  4. Click on this button to change your Pending hours into Declined hours

Deleting Hours

Hours can be deleted by completing the following steps:

  1. Click on the  tab at the top of the page to show your hours and their related status
  2. Click on the hours you wish to delete
  3. Once you’re on the Hours page, click the  button in the top right corner

NOTE: If you accidentally delete the wrong hours, please send the name of the student and any details you recall to so that we can restore the hours for you.