How Does Guidance Approve Volunteer Hours?

If you would like to quickly locate your students’ unapproved hours, then please follow these steps:

  1.  Locate the sidebar on the left panel, then click on the Students tab.
  2. Set the filters to the following:
    Category > Volunteer
    Status > Verified
    All Hours > Unapproved
  3. Select a student that needs hours approved
  4. Review the students Verified hours and Select Save and Approve
  5. Guidance counselors can also click the check mark  under the Approve/Reviewed column to approve hours
  6. Once the check mark has turned yellow, the hours have been approved

How Do Students Add Placement/Co-op Hours?

  1. Students can start to add hours by selecting the  icon on the left toolbar
  2. To begin, select the button in the top right corner of the page
  3. Students have the option to Label their hours (e.g. Week 1)
  4. Change the Category to Placement/Co-op under the Category type, then the hours will automatically change the Hour Type to a weekly block
  5. Next, add your Organization/Employer. Click the icon to add your employer’s information.
  6. Please fill out the Organization Name, Supervisor Name, Email, Phone Number, and their Position (e.g. Cashier)
  7. Under Skills Learned, you must add at least one new skill that you learned during your placement each week (e.g. Customer Service, Oral Communication)
  8. Please add a Description of what you did during your work hours (i.e. I learned how to use the cash register, I worked on filing papers)
  9. The week will automatically begin on the Monday of the current week and each day  will be listed for you to begin adding shifts
  10. To add a new shift, simply click the + symbol beside the days you worked
  11. The hours will automatically be set to Placement (Unpaid), however, you can also track Placement (Paid), In-School/Integration, Pre-Placement, and Dual Credit hours
    – If you take a Lunch/Break this will deduct minutes from the overall hours
    -If you were Absent or Late, please select the boxes to mark your attendance
  1. You can also add two shifts for one day by selecting the + symbol twice
  2. Once you have added and reviewed your hours for the week, you can select either  button to Save the hours as a draft, or Save and Submit to send to your Employer.
  • When clicking, the hours are submitted to the placement supervisor and become “Pending” hours
  • When students select “Placement” for the first time from the drop-down menu while adding hours, Placement becomes their new default hour type.


How do students copy a log?

Students can create a copy of their hours by clicking  at the right side of the desired hours:

This will allow students to select Copy which creates an identical Draft of their hours.

If students have consistent hours each week (e.g. 9:00am to 12:00pm), then they can add hours and save those hours as a template. They can leave the template in Draft status and copy that template each week and even add a personalized Label (e.g. “template”).

How can I view when my student registered or logged in last?

There are four places teachers can see data on student registration.

1. Click the high school icon  on the left tool bar, select  the ‘Sign Up Codes’ icon, select the code you would like to review. This will display a list of all the students who signed up using the code which includes their registration date and time.

2. Click  icon to view students Last Login on the Student Dashboard.

3. Click  icon, then the student profile, select the information icon, Under the General tab you will see the sign up date
4. Teachers can select the  icon, Click the Registered Students Report to see the date the student registered on Hour Republic.

Getting Started Guide for Hour Tracking

1) First, Create a Class

This is how you will organize your students every semester (your ‘bucket’ of students). All of your students will be attached to the Class you created.

FAQ: How do I create a new class?

2) Next, Create a Sign up Code 

This code (ex. Quad1) will link students to your class. Students enter it when they register for their accounts.

FAQ: How do I create a sign up code?

3) Students Register Accounts

Once registered, students will show up in the  image.png section

FAQ: How do students sign-up?

4) Students Track Hours 

Students can access our hour-tracking services by going to their  section

FAQ: How do I add hours?

5) Teachers / Coordinators Monitor Student Progress

Teachers / Coordinators can do anything that a student does on the system.

NOTE: All of our new version FAQs are summarized here.

How do I send a message to an individual, group, or a class?

How to Message a Class

1. To begin, select the icon in the top right corner

2. Select the icon in the top right corner

3. Next, choose who you would like to message using the Recipients drop down

4. A pop up box will appear with a list of individuals at your school, at the top will be a series of filters, set all the filters to All, except the Class filter, set it to your class


  • if you do not have a class set up, please see this FAQ
  • You can also combine filters, for example, you can set all filters to All, except the Status filter and Class filter, set Status to active and the Class filter to your class and send a message at all active members in your class.

5. Once your class pops up, click the check box next to the Student column to select all of your students

6. Click 

7. Once the recipients have been chosen, fill out the subject, message, and if you would like, attach a file (Excel, image, PDF, etc.).

8. When you’re done, click 

9. Your class will receive an email notification regarding the message you just sent

NOTE: Please request your class to check their spam/junk folder if they cannot find the email just in case they have spam filters set up

How to Message an Individual/Group

1. To begin, select the icon in the top right corner

2. Select the icon in the top right corner

3. Next, choose who you would like to message using the Recipients drop down

4. A pop up box will appear with a list of individuals at your school, type in the first name OR last name of an individual you would like to send a message to

NOTE: If the individual does not show up, make sure all the filters are set to All

5. Click the checkbox next to their name then click 

6. Repeat Steps 4-5 until you have chosen everybody in the group

7. Once the recipient has been chosen, fill out the subject, message, and if you would like, attach a file (Excel, image, PDF, etc.).

8. Once you’re done, click 

9. The group will receive an email notification regarding the message you just sent

NOTE: If the individuals in the group do not receive the email, please request they check their spam/junk folder just in case they have spam filters set up


How do I generate a report?

To begin, select Reports icon on the left tool bar 

1. You can choose to generate reports for General Information, Demographics, Hours, Scheduling, Statistics, Organization/Employer, and Reflection/Journals

2. Select the report type you would like to generate

3. Use the search bar, date range and filters to customize the report and sort the data or leave it as default to generate all data

4. When you are ready, click the in the top right corner to generate the report

5. A separate tab will open up with a report, but you can also download the report by clicking  to customize the report further


How to Generate an Hour Report

1.  Select the  tab

2. Scroll down to the Hours section and select a report, we recommend the Overalls Hour Report.

3. There will be a number of filters which you can adjust. If you are looking to run a report on your class, make sure you set the Class filter to your class, otherwise, the report will encompass your entire school.

4. Once you are done adjusting the filters, click .

5. You can now export your report to Excel by selecting .

How do I add new resources?

Teachers/Coordinators can add resources (e.g. background information, program requirements, etc.) that will appear for each student.

1. To add a resource, select your high school on the left tool bar 

2. Click this icon  to access Resources

3. Select the  to add a new resource

4. Add a photo, PDF or document (e.g. .doc) as an attachment or link to video or website

5. Add a label (e.g. Student Training Video, Safetly Checklist, etc.)

6. Choose to add a Description of what the file is, or instructions for the student

7. To finish, Click Save

How do students add Volunteer and Other Hours?

Students can start to add hours by selecting the  icon on the left toolbar

1. To begin, they will select the button in the top right corner of the page

2. Students have the option to Label their hours (e.g. Week 1)

3. Under Category, they can choose from Volunteer, Placement / Co-op, Extracurricular, Peer Tutor, Training and/or Faith-Based hours (options vary by school)

4. Next, they will need to search for an Organization/Employer. If the employer is not present, they can add a new one by clicking the icon

5. Please have the students fill out the Organization Name, Supervisor Name, Email, Phone Number, and their Position (e.g. Warehouse Volunteer)

6. Students can add a Skill they learned and a Description of what they did during their work hours

7. For the Type of Hours field, students can either add hours as a Block (e.g. weekly, monthly etc..)
OR Shift, where they can add the specific date and time (i.e. September 9th, 9:00am-5:00pm).

8. Add your Parent/Guardian email.

9. Once the student has added and reviewed their hours, they can select button to save the hours as a draft, or submit to their Organization/Employer & Parents/Guardian.

How do students copy a log?

Students can create a copy of their hours by clicking  at the right side of the desired hours:

This will allow students to select Copy which creates an identical Draft of the hours.

If students have consistent hours each week (e.g. 9:00am to 12:00pm), then they  can add hours and save those hours as a template. They can leave the template in Draft status and copy that template each week.


How do Teachers/Coordinators mark Reflections/Journal topics?

Q: How do I mark a Student’s Reflection?

A: Under the Students Section, select a student’s name then click on the Reflections icon  to review, mark and leave comments on students’ reflections.

1. Click on the desired Reflection

2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the Mark section

3. Enter in a mark (eg. 7/10, 3 out of 5, 75%, A+, etc.) and comment (optional)

4. Click the Save and Approve button at the top of the page to save the mark and comment.

NOTE: The student can view this mark in the student Reflection section

Hour Status Definitions

A student has saved (Save button) the information but has not submitted (Save and Submit button) the log for verification.

A student has submitted (Save and Submit button) their log (to an employer for their placement; to a parent/guardian and organization) but it has not been verified or declined yet.

NOTE: Students and teachers/coordinators can re-send the hour log as a reminder to verify hours by clicking the Save and Submit button again. Teachers/coordinators can also Decline a log to turn it back into a Draft log to re-submit for verification.

Student hours were declined by the placement supervisor or by a teacher/coordinator. Possible reasons: the information submitted by the student was not accurate, there was not enough detail, and/or the student forgot to mention a task or project.

Student hours were verified by placement supervisor or by their teacher/coordinator (Save and Approve button).