CLASSES: Create a New Class / Add or Remove Students / Add a Date Range / Add a Sign Up Code

Classes are used by teachers to organize students into groups (e.g. Semester 1 co-op students).

The Signup Code is used to easily attach students to a Class. i.e. when students enter the provided Signup Code into their registration form, they automatically get added to the Class.
*Please note, teachers will need to add students who have already have an account manually once the class is created.

e.g. Class name: Semester 1, 2024-2025 [teacher name]
Signup Code: 2024sem1

Creating a Class

#1. To begin creating a new class, select your high school on the left tool bar 

#2. Click the Classes icon 

#3. Select the  in the top right corner to create a new class

#4. Enter a name for your Class, you choose! It’s your way of organizing students:
(e.g. Semester 1, 2024-2025 [teacher name])

#5. Add a date range to your class (e.g. from the first day of a semester to the last day of a semester).  The progress bar will reset to zero for returning students, simply hiding logs from previous semesters.

TIP: Students need to select the Class filter (e.g. Sem 2 2020-21) in the Hour section in order for the date range to take effect.
TIP: Beside Total Submissions in the Hour section, we indicate how many submissions are hidden when the Class filter is selected (e.g. 15 submissions hidden by filter).

#6. You will automatically be added as a teacher/coordinator table when you create a new class.

TIP: To remove a teacher from your class code, simply click the "-" symbol beside a teacher's name, and click 
TIP: To add another teacher/coordinator, click the symbol. Use the search bar, or filters to locate teachers/coordinators, then click the check box beside the teacher's/coordinator's name to add them to the class, then Done.

#7. Click  to create this new class

Signup Code

#8. This will cause the sign up code table to pop up and allow you to create sign up code for your class by clicking the  symbol.

NOTE: Providing this code to your class will automatically assign them to it when they register with the code.

#9.  Enter a sign up code (2024sem1) or select the  button to have one created for you:

TIP: Keep your sign up code simple to avoid students from making typos!

#10. To finish, click

Congratulations! Your class is ready to go😀

Adding / Removing a Student from a Class

Students are automatically added to your Class when they register with the Sign Up Code you provided.

#1. To begin, select your high school on the left tool bar to access the main administrator section

#2. Click the Classes icon 

#3. From the table, click on the class that you would like to add or remove a student from.

#4. To add a student, click the symbol in the second table (with the Student column).
Search the list, or use the search bar, or use the filters to locate student(s). Select a student by clicking the check box beside the student’s name, and Done.

TIP: To remove a student from the class, click the "-" remove icon beside the student's name.

#5. To finish, click 

How do I create a new Signup Code for my class?

1.First, create a Class if you haven’t already.

2. Next, create a class-wide Signup Code for your students before they register accounts. When students enter this code during registration, they automatically get added to your Class.

3.Select the  symbol to add new signup code

4. Either create your own random code (e.g. Winter2020) or click the Randomize button to create a random code
NOTE: The codes must be at least 5 characters.

4. Select the Semester from the drop down

5. Click Save to finish adding the new code
NOTE: Once saved,  you can view which students are associated with the sign up code by scrolling to the bottom of the page

  • Remember to create a Class first! When students register with this sign up code, they automatically get assigned to your Class.
  • You only need to create one sign-up code per class, and multiple students can sign-up using one code.
  • You do not need to create a Signup Code if you are a guidance counselor
  • You can modify your Signup Code at any time by returning to the page of the Signup Code you just created and typing in a new Signup code. Make sure you save your changes once you’re done.

A Student is Missing from my Class (Hour Tracking)

If you are having trouble locating a student, then below are some possible reasons:

A) The student has not registered an account to track hours

You can check if a student has registered by following these steps:

1. Click on the  tab
2. Set all the filters to All
3. Type in the first or last name of the student that is missing in the Search bar
4. If the student does not appear, then that means that the student has not registered an account yet.
5. Reach out to the student and send them the Signup Code for your class so that they can register. If they are having trouble registering, then please share this guide.

B) Your student has not been added to your Class

1. Click on the tab with your school’s name
2. Select the Classes tab
3. Click on your Class name
4. Scroll down to the Student table and click the icon found at the right corner of the table
5. Once you click on this, a pop up menu will open. Type the first name or last name of the desired student into the search bar then make sure to click Enter.
6. If their name appears, check the box next to their name then click 
NOTE: If the student’s name does not appear, then make sure the Status filter is set to All Statuses
7. Once you have added the student, make sure to click  to save any changes

C) Your student’s status is set to inactive

1. Click on the  tab

2. Set the Status filter to All Statuses

3. Type the name of the desired student into the search bar

4. If the student’s name pops up, click on it and this will take you to their hour dashboard

5. Once you are on their dashboard, click theicon found around the centre of the screen. This will take you to the student’s General tab

6. Scroll down until you find the Status field and set it to Active

7. Make sure to click  to save any changes

D) Your student is linked to the wrong school

If you your student is linked to the incorrect school, then please email us at Within your email please include:

1. The student’s name

2. The school you would like us to transfer the student to

How do teachers/coordinators customize the Achievements drop-down?

By default, Hour Republic comes with several achievement types including: Parent/Guardian Consent Forms, Background Checks, WHMIS, and WEA Forms. However, if you would like to add more achievement types, there are 2 ways that teachers/coordinators can do this:

Method A

1. Locate the sidebar on the left panel, then click on the tab with your school’s name (this is the Admin section).

2. Select the tab on the left that says Achievements.

3. Once you’re in the Achievements section, click on the  button.

4. Type in the desired achievement in the Achievement field (e.g. WHMIS).

5. Once you’ve typed it in, click .

Method B

1. Locate the sidebar on the left panel, then click on the Students tab.

2. Click on any student.

3. Next, select the  icon located at the center of the screen.

4. Select thein the top right corner.

5. Click on the text that says . This will take you to the Achievements page.

6. click on the  button.

7. Type in the desired achievement in the Achievement field.

8. Once you’ve typed it in, click .


1. If there is an achievement you’d like to remove, select the  button next to it.

2. For more information on how teachers/coordinators and students can create achievements, please click here

Student Types

Student types let you indicate whether a student is in a Co-op, SHSM, or Dual Credit program and can be useful when running reports. Follow this guide to learn how you can create and set student types.

Q. How do teachers/coordinators create new Student Types to be added to the drop-down?

Method A:

1. Locate the sidebar on the left panel, then click on the tab with your school’s name.

2. Select the tab on the left that says Student Type.

3. Once you’re on the Student Type page, click on the  button.

4. Type in the desired Student Type in the Student Type field.

5. Once you’ve typed it in, click .

Method B:

1. Locate the sidebar on the left panel, then click on the Students tab.

2. Click on any student’s name.

3. Once you’re on the student’s profile, click on the  icon.

4. Select the tab on the left that says Demographics.

5. Click on the text that says . This will take you to the Student Type page.

6. Select on the  button.

7. Type in the desired student type in the Student Type field.

8. Once you’ve typed it in, click .


If there is a student type you’d like to remove, select the  button next to it.

Q. How do I Change Student Types?

1. Go to the desired student’s profile.

2. Select the tab on the left that says Demographics.

3. Select the drop-down menu for the  field.

4. Choose the appropriate student type.

5. Once you’re finished, click .

Disable/Enable sections and fields

If there are specific fields or sections that you would like to disable or hide, then please follow the instructions below.

1. Click on the tab (left panel) with your school’s name

2. Select the tab on the left that says Access.

This allows you to adjust whether you want users with Supervisor access to view students that are from other departments, schools, or under the supervision of another teacher/coordinator.

This allows you to adjust whether users can view fields such as ‘date of birth’.

Here you can adjust whether you would like to receive notifications regarding student scheduling.

Adjusting the progress bar

Q. How do Teachers/Coordinators update the progress bar for an individual student?

1. Click on the  tab

2. Locate and click on the student that you would like to adjust progress bar hours for – this will take you directly to the student’s Hour section.

3. Click on the gear  icon under the progress bar (right-side of the page)

4. Now you can adjust the progress bar hours for each Hour Type such as Placement/Co-op and Volunteer hours

5. Click  to save any changes


  • Any changes made to an individual student’s minimum hours will differ from the default minimum hours set for the school.
  • Students can also update their progress bar by following the same steps.

Q. How do Teachers/Coordinators update the progress bar settings for their school?

You can set the progress bar hours for your school. This gets triggered for new student registrations but does not overwrite the progress bar settings for students who have already registered.

1. Click on the tab (left panel) with your school’s name

2. Select the tab on the left that says Progress Bar

3. Once on the Progress Bar page, you can adjust the minimum hours needed for different hour types such as Volunteer, Placement / Co-op, and Extracurricular hours, by typing in the desired number.


4. Once you’re finished adjusting the minimum hours, click 

Q. How do I Use the Progress Bar?

1. Progress bars for individual students can be viewed in the Hours section of the student profile.

Students can adjust their individual progress bar settings by clicking the gear icon below their progress bar.

2. The progress bar displays the total number of hours a student has including their Rejected, Verified, Pending and Draft hours. There are 5 colours used for the progress bar:

Red = Number of Rejected Hours

Dark Grey = Number of Draft Hours

Orange = Number of Pending Hours

Green = Number of Verified Hours

Light Gray = Number of Hours that have yet to be completed


How do I add Bulk Achievements?

Bulk Achievements are a fast and easy way to designate achievements (e.g. Safety Training, First Aid) to large groups of students. If you would like to learn how to do this, then please follow the following steps:

1. Locate the sidebar to the left panel, then click on the tab with your school’s name.

2. There are a series of icons at the top of this section, and at the far-right, you will find the Bulk Achievements icon. Click on the icon: .

4. Create a new bulk achievement by clicking onin the top-right corner.

5. This will take you to the General tab where you fill out information such as the Type, Completion Date, and a short Description of the achievement.

6. Indicate which students received the achievement by clicking the Students field at the bottom.

7. Check the box next to the name of students who received the achievement.

8. Once you’re finished selecting the students, click  at the bottom-right corner of the menu.

9. If you know who issued the achievement, click the Issuer tab (left-side). You can fill in information regarding the the Name and Contact Information of the issuer.

10. Have an image file or document to go along with the achievement? Click on the Attachment tab then select  to upload your file.

11. Once you’re finished setting up the bulk achievement, click in the top right corner.


If a group of students received an achievement and it’s already listed on the Bulk Achievement page, you can click on the desired achievement, check off the names of the new students then click . This keeps the Bulk Achievement page organized and free of duplicate achievements.