A Student is Missing from my Class (Hour Tracking)

If you are having trouble locating a student, then below are some possible reasons:

A) The student has not registered an account to track hours

You can check if a student has registered by following these steps:

1. Click on the  tab
2. Set all the filters to All
3. Type in the first or last name of the student that is missing in the Search bar
4. If the student does not appear, then that means that the student has not registered an account yet.
5. Reach out to the student and send them the Signup Code for your class so that they can register. If they are having trouble registering, then please share this guide.

B) Your student has not been added to your Class

1. Click on the tab with your school’s name
2. Select the Classes tab
3. Click on your Class name
4. Scroll down to the Student table and click the icon found at the right corner of the table
5. Once you click on this, a pop up menu will open. Type the first name or last name of the desired student into the search bar then make sure to click Enter.
6. If their name appears, check the box next to their name then click 
NOTE: If the student’s name does not appear, then make sure the Status filter is set to All Statuses
7. Once you have added the student, make sure to click  to save any changes

C) Your student’s status is set to inactive

1. Click on the  tab

2. Set the Status filter to All Statuses

3. Type the name of the desired student into the search bar

4. If the student’s name pops up, click on it and this will take you to their hour dashboard

5. Once you are on their dashboard, click theicon found around the centre of the screen. This will take you to the student’s General tab

6. Scroll down until you find the Status field and set it to Active

7. Make sure to click  to save any changes

D) Your student is linked to the wrong school

If you your student is linked to the incorrect school, then please email us at info@charityrepublic.com. Within your email please include:

1. The student’s name

2. The school you would like us to transfer the student to

How do I Locate Unapproved Hours?

If you would like to quickly locate your students’ unapproved hours, then please follow these steps:

1. Go to the  section

2. Next, locate the Detailed Hours report and click on it

3. Scroll down and set the Category, Status, and Approved filters to the following:

NOTE: You can also change filters like the Date Range if you would only like to see specific unapproved hours.

4. Click the  button and this will show you all the unapproved hours at your school. The report can also be exported to Excel.

How Do Students Add Placement/Co-op Hours?

  1. Students can start to add hours by selecting the  icon on the left toolbar
  2. To begin, select the button in the top right corner of the page
  3. Students have the option to Label their hours (e.g. Week 1)
  4. Change the Category to Placement/Co-op under the Category type, then the hours will automatically change the Hour Type to a weekly block
  5. Next, add your Organization/Employer. Click the icon to add your employer’s information.
  6. Please fill out the Organization Name, Supervisor Name, Email, Phone Number, and their Position (e.g. Cashier)
  7. Under Skills Learned, you must add at least one new skill that you learned during your placement each week (e.g. Customer Service, Oral Communication)
  8. Please add a Description of what you did during your work hours (i.e. I learned how to use the cash register, I worked on filing papers)
  9. The week will automatically begin on the Monday of the current week and each day  will be listed for you to begin adding shifts
  10. To add a new shift, simply click the + symbol beside the days you worked
  11. The hours will automatically be set to Placement (Unpaid), however, you can also track Placement (Paid), In-School/Integration, Pre-Placement, and Dual Credit hours
    – If you take a Lunch/Break this will deduct minutes from the overall hours
    -If you were Absent or Late, please select the boxes to mark your attendance
  1. You can also add two shifts for one day by selecting the + symbol twice
  2. Once you have added and reviewed your hours for the week, you can select either  button to Save the hours as a draft, or Save and Submit to send to your Employer.
  • When clicking, the hours are submitted to the placement supervisor and become “Pending” hours
  • When students select “Placement” for the first time from the drop-down menu while adding hours, Placement becomes their new default hour type.


How do students copy a log?

Students can create a copy of their hours by clicking  at the right side of the desired hours:

This will allow students to select Copy which creates an identical Draft of their hours.

If students have consistent hours each week (e.g. 9:00am to 12:00pm), then they can add hours and save those hours as a template. They can leave the template in Draft status and copy that template each week and even add a personalized Label (e.g. “template”).

Active vs Pending Organizations/Employers

Both teachers and students can add organizations/employers:

  • Teachers have access to the entire database of organizations and can modify existing organizations or add new organizations
  • Students can add organizations via the Hour section only

How do students locate organizations/employers that a teacher added?

When an organization/employer is added to the database by a teacher and status is set to Active, a student can locate this organization when they add hours. In the Hour section, students type the organization’s name into the Organization search bar and it will pop up.

Students can search Active employers only (see image below).

What is a Pending versus Active organization/employer?

When a teacher adds an organization, the organization’s status is automatically set to Active.

When a student adds an organization, the organization’s status is automatically set to Pending.

Students are not able to search organizations that are set to Pending unless they were the one that added it (i.e. they only see organizations that they added).

NOTE: For more details on how to add organizations/employers, click here

Teachers can change the status of an organization/employer to Active by following these steps:

Teachers may want to convert a Pending employer that a student added to an Active employer that other students can search and locate too.

1. Click the  tab

2. Set the Status filter to Pending to quickly locate all the Pending organizations

3. Search and click on the desired organization

4. Under the General tab, scroll down until you find the Status field and click on the drop down menu to set the status from Pending to Active

5. Select Save in the top right corner of the page to save your changes

If you don’t want students to add organizations/employers:

You may want students to only search and locate Active employers that a teacher has added. If so, here is how you can do that:

1. Click on the tab with your school’s name

2. Along the centre of the screen there should be a number of tabs such as General, Logo, Access.. etc. At the bottom of that list there is a Settings tab. Click on Settings

3.  Check off the box that reads Do not allow students to add employers/contacts/positions for Hours


If students are unable to locate an employer then please make sure that the student is only typing a few letters of the organization’s name. It is better to type in a few letters than the entire name of an employer just in case it is spelled differently.

If you type in “Tim”, then anything with “Tim” will come up. If you type in “Hor”, then all of the Tim Hortons stores will come up. But if you type in “Horton’s” into the search bar, our system will not recognize the apostrophe if the employer is not spelled that way (Horton vs Horton’s).


How do Students Create an Achievement?

Students can create an achievement by following these steps:

1. Click on the Profile tab on the left side of the screen.

2. Next, select the  icon located at the center of the screen.

3. Click on the icon at the top right of the screen to add a new achievement.

4. Fill in all the necessary fields for the achievement. You can fill in additional fields such as the issuer and add an attachment by selecting the appropriate tab on the sidebar.

5. Once you have filled in all the information, click .


1. You can delete unwanted achievements by clicking on them while on the Achievement page then selecting the  button.

2. Teachers/coordinators can add achievements in bulk. For more information regarding this feature, please click here

How do teachers/coordinators customize the Achievements drop-down?

By default, Hour Republic comes with several achievement types including: Parent/Guardian Consent Forms, Background Checks, WHMIS, and WEA Forms. However, if you would like to add more achievement types, there are 2 ways that teachers/coordinators can do this:

Method A

1. Locate the sidebar on the left panel, then click on the tab with your school’s name (this is the Admin section).

2. Select the tab on the left that says Achievements.

3. Once you’re in the Achievements section, click on the  button.

4. Type in the desired achievement in the Achievement field (e.g. WHMIS).

5. Once you’ve typed it in, click .

Method B

1. Locate the sidebar on the left panel, then click on the Students tab.

2. Click on any student.

3. Next, select the  icon located at the center of the screen.

4. Select thein the top right corner.

5. Click on the text that says . This will take you to the Achievements page.

6. click on the  button.

7. Type in the desired achievement in the Achievement field.

8. Once you’ve typed it in, click .


1. If there is an achievement you’d like to remove, select the  button next to it.

2. For more information on how teachers/coordinators and students can create achievements, please click here

Student Types

Student types let you indicate whether a student is in a Co-op, SHSM, or Dual Credit program and can be useful when running reports. Follow this guide to learn how you can create and set student types.

Q. How do teachers/coordinators create new Student Types to be added to the drop-down?

Method A:

1. Locate the sidebar on the left panel, then click on the tab with your school’s name.

2. Select the tab on the left that says Student Type.

3. Once you’re on the Student Type page, click on the  button.

4. Type in the desired Student Type in the Student Type field.

5. Once you’ve typed it in, click .

Method B:

1. Locate the sidebar on the left panel, then click on the Students tab.

2. Click on any student’s name.

3. Once you’re on the student’s profile, click on the  icon.

4. Select the tab on the left that says Demographics.

5. Click on the text that says . This will take you to the Student Type page.

6. Select on the  button.

7. Type in the desired student type in the Student Type field.

8. Once you’ve typed it in, click .


If there is a student type you’d like to remove, select the  button next to it.

Q. How do I Change Student Types?

1. Go to the desired student’s profile.

2. Select the tab on the left that says Demographics.

3. Select the drop-down menu for the  field.

4. Choose the appropriate student type.

5. Once you’re finished, click .

How do I Create a PDF Version of Reports?

You can create a PDF version of reports by following these steps:

1. Click on the  tab on the left sidebar.

2. Select the desired report. Once you apply all the filters, click .

3. You will be taken to a web version of the report, right-click anywhere on the page to open up a menu. Select the Print… option.

4. Once you click Print… a pop up menu will appear. Set the Destination to Save as PDF.

4. Select the  button at the bottom of the page.

5. Save the file to a location on your device.

Published and Public Positions/Opportunities

What is a position?

For work placements, this is the position of the student at placement (e.g. Automotive Assistant).

For community service, these positions represent volunteer opportunities (e.g. Food Bank Sorter).

Access the Positions / Opportunities section

1. Click  on the left toolbar

2. Search and select the desired organization, then click on the Positions icon

3. Select an existing position (e.g. Food Bank Clerk)
At the bottom of the General tab for a position, you will see the Published and Public fields.

NOTE: If you’re looking to create a new position/opportunity, then please reference our FAQ here.

When both PUBLISHED and PUBLIC check boxes are not checked

By default, all positions are private (i.e. only visible to a teacher/coordinator) since neither the Published nor Public boxes are checked.

When both the Published and Public boxes are unchecked, the position/opportunity cannot be viewed by students under any circumstance. This is essentially a draft version of the position/opportunity and can only be accessed by teachers/coordinators.

NOTE: Publication Dates (i.e. when a position/opportunity is visible) do not work unless either the Published or Public boxes are checked (see below).

When only PUBLISHED is checked

When only the Published box is checked, only students from your school are able to view the position/opportunity on their Opportunities page. This is ideal if the position/opportunity is exclusive to your school.

If the Publication Date (i.e. when a position is visible) is expired or has yet to be published, this position/opportunity will no longer be available to the students at your school and will not show up on students’ Opportunities page.

When only PUBLIC is checked

When only the Public box is checked, the position/opportunity is viewable to anybody with a link to it. However, it is otherwise inaccessible to anybody except teachers/coordinators and will not show up on students’ Opportunities page. The link can be found under the position/opportunity’s title in the Preview and on the page advertising it.

NOTE: Publication Dates (i.e. when a position is visible) do not apply or work for this type of position/opportunity.

When both PUBLISHED and PUBLIC are checked

When both the Published and Public boxes are checked, the position/opportunity is accessible to everybody. The position/opportunity will show up on students’ Opportunities page. It will also have a shareable link that you can send to students inside and outside of the school.

NOTE: If the Publication Date (i.e. when a position is visible) is expired or has yet to be published, this position/opportunity will no longer be available to anybody without the web link. This means that it will not show up on students’ Opportunities page anymore.


1. Public events can be shared on social media through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter:

2. If you leave the Publication Date blank, the position/opportunity will be advertised indefinitely.

3. For more details on how to create a position/opportunity, please click here.