How do I add Bulk Achievements?

Bulk Achievements are a fast and easy way to designate achievements (e.g. Safety Training, First Aid) to large groups of students. If you would like to learn how to do this, then please follow the following steps:

1. Locate the sidebar to the left panel, then click on the tab with your school’s name.

2. There are a series of icons at the top of this section, and at the far-right, you will find the Bulk Achievements icon. Click on the icon: .

4. Create a new bulk achievement by clicking onin the top-right corner.

5. This will take you to the General tab where you fill out information such as the Type, Completion Date, and a short Description of the achievement.

6. Indicate which students received the achievement by clicking the Students field at the bottom.

7. Check the box next to the name of students who received the achievement.

8. Once you’re finished selecting the students, click  at the bottom-right corner of the menu.

9. If you know who issued the achievement, click the Issuer tab (left-side). You can fill in information regarding the the Name and Contact Information of the issuer.

10. Have an image file or document to go along with the achievement? Click on the Attachment tab then select  to upload your file.

11. Once you’re finished setting up the bulk achievement, click in the top right corner.


If a group of students received an achievement and it’s already listed on the Bulk Achievement page, you can click on the desired achievement, check off the names of the new students then click . This keeps the Bulk Achievement page organized and free of duplicate achievements.

Hour Republic FAQs Guide

Look no further than this guide to direct you to the FAQ you need

•    Getting Started Guide
•    How do Teachers/Coordinators sign-up via (or, Google sign up)
•    How do I reset my password and find my username?
•    General Questions
•    How do I send a message to an individual, group, or a class?
•    Pre-placement Activities
•   How do I Locate Unapproved Hours?

Main Administrator Section
•    How do I create a new class and signup code? 
•    How do I add a new resource?
•    How do I add Bulk Achievements?
•    Adjusting the progress bar
•    Disable/hide certain sections and fields
•    How do I add or change my school’s logo?
•    Student Types
•    How do teachers/coordinators customize the Achievements drop-down?
•    A Student is Missing from my Class (Hour Tracking)
•    Why can’t I see students on my Students section?

•    How do I add new Organizations/Employers?  
•    How do I add contacts to an Organization/Employer?  
•    How do I add a Volunteer or Placement opportunity?
•    How do Organizations Approve Hours?
•    Published and Public Positions/Opportunities
•    Active vs Pending Organizations/Employers
•    Why isn’t an organization receiving my email to verify hours?
•    How do I add employer expectations?

How do students sign-up via (or, Google sign up)
•    How do I add Volunteer and Other Hours?
•    How do I add Placement/Co-op Hours?
•    How do I print a report of my hours?
•    How do I manage my Student Dashboard?
•    Icon Guide
•    How do I Assign an Organization to a Student?
•    How do I see when students registered or logged in last?
•    How does a Student Add More than One Shift?
•    What if a Student has Two Employers/Supervisors?
•    How do Students and Teachers/Coordinators Create an Achievement?
•    How do I Track Overnight Shifts?

•    How do teachers add new Reflection/Journal topics? 
•    How do students submit a Reflection/Journal?
•    How do teachers mark Reflections/Journal topics?
•    How do students delete a Reflection/Journal?

•    How do I generate a report? 
•    How do I generate a PDF version of reports?
•    How do I print a report of my hours?

•    Colour Coding in the Schedule
•    Navigating the Calendar
•    How do I create a PDF Version of the Calendar?

Getting Started Guide for Hour Tracking

1) First, Create a Class

This is how you will organize your students every semester (your ‘bucket’ of students). All of your students will be attached to the Class you created.

FAQ: How do I create a new class?

2) Next, Create a Sign up Code 

This code (ex. Quad1) will link students to your class. Students enter it when they register for their accounts.

FAQ: How do I create a sign up code?

3) Students Register Accounts

Once registered, students will show up in the  image.png section

FAQ: How do students sign-up?

4) Students Track Hours 

Students can access our hour-tracking services by going to their  section

FAQ: How do I add hours?

5) Teachers / Coordinators Monitor Student Progress

Teachers / Coordinators can do anything that a student does on the system.

NOTE: All of our new version FAQs are summarized here.

Navigating the Calendar

A. How do I set up an Event?

1. On the sidebar, click the Calendar tab.

2. Once you’re on the Calendar page, click on the  symbol in the top right corner.

3. Create an event by filling in the necessary fields (required fields have an asterisk (*).

4. Once you fill in the necessary fields, you can choose to select the Class that has access to this event, invite specific students and write a short description.

5. Select the Recurring tab to decide if you would like this event to occur over a certain time interval and what days you would like it to occur.

6. Click Save.

A. How do I Invite Specific Students?

1. When you’re creating an Event, you have the option to invite specific students by clicking on the Students field.

2. Select the students you would like to invite by checking off the box next to their names.

3. If you have a specific group of students in mind, you can filter students by Status, Role, Semester, and Class.

4. Once you have chosen your students, click .


1. You can check off the box next to the Student column to select all members of your school or program.

A. How do I Edit Events?

1. In the calendar view, click on the event that you would like to edit.

2. Now you can edit information regarding the event such as the name, contact, start and end time, etc.

3. If you invited students to the event, you can check the status of their invite by clicking on this icon: 

4. If the invite is still pending, you can choose to  the invitation or you can manually accept the invite by selecting the student’s name

5. Once you select the student’s name, you can click the status field to edit their status.

6. You can also remove the student from the event by selecting .

6. Click Save to maintain any changes.


1. You can click on Today to go to the current date and click the left and right arrows to move between months

2. Selecting Day, Week, or Month will organize the Calendar accordingly.

A. How do I filter Events?

1. There are multiple ways you can filter events. When you’re on the Calendar page, you can find the filters at the top left of the page.

2. If you know the name of the event of interest, you can type it into the Search Bar.

3. You can filter events depending on if students are needed or if you’re invited to the event by selecting the filter to the right of the search bar.

4. You can also filter events by Class by selecting the filter to the left of .

5. Once you’re content with the filters, select  to apply the filters.


For more details on calendar colour coding, please click here.

Colour Coding in the Schedule

Q. What do the Different Colours mean for Teachers/Coordinators?

Gray signifies that no students have been invited to participate in the event.

Dark Gray signifies that students have been invited to participate in the event, however, none have accepted the offer yet.

Orange signifies that the shift is partially filled. Some of the invited students have accepted to participate in the event.

Green signifies that all invited students have accepted to participate in the event.

Q. What do the Different Colours mean for Students?

Gray signifies an event has been scheduled.

Green signifies that the student has accepted to participate in the event.

How do I send a message to an individual, group, or a class?

How to Message a Class

1. To begin, select the icon in the top right corner

2. Select the icon in the top right corner

3. Next, choose who you would like to message using the Recipients drop down

4. A pop up box will appear with a list of individuals at your school, at the top will be a series of filters, set all the filters to All, except the Class filter, set it to your class


  • if you do not have a class set up, please see this FAQ
  • You can also combine filters, for example, you can set all filters to All, except the Status filter and Class filter, set Status to active and the Class filter to your class and send a message at all active members in your class.

5. Once your class pops up, click the check box next to the Student column to select all of your students

6. Click 

7. Once the recipients have been chosen, fill out the subject, message, and if you would like, attach a file (Excel, image, PDF, etc.).

8. When you’re done, click 

9. Your class will receive an email notification regarding the message you just sent

NOTE: Please request your class to check their spam/junk folder if they cannot find the email just in case they have spam filters set up

How to Message an Individual/Group

1. To begin, select the icon in the top right corner

2. Select the icon in the top right corner

3. Next, choose who you would like to message using the Recipients drop down

4. A pop up box will appear with a list of individuals at your school, type in the first name OR last name of an individual you would like to send a message to

NOTE: If the individual does not show up, make sure all the filters are set to All

5. Click the checkbox next to their name then click 

6. Repeat Steps 4-5 until you have chosen everybody in the group

7. Once the recipient has been chosen, fill out the subject, message, and if you would like, attach a file (Excel, image, PDF, etc.).

8. Once you’re done, click 

9. The group will receive an email notification regarding the message you just sent

NOTE: If the individuals in the group do not receive the email, please request they check their spam/junk folder just in case they have spam filters set up


How do students delete a reflection?

In need of deleting one your reflections? Then follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Reflections / Journal Topics tab and click on the reflection you would like to delete

2. Next, click the Delete button

3. Once you click this, you will get a prompt to confirm your decision. Select OK to permanently delete your reflection

NOTE: These steps apply to deleting hours, achievements, notes, check-ins and attachments as well. For example, you can visit your Hours page, click on the hours you would like to delete, then select the Delete button to permanently remove them.


General Questions

General Questions:

Q. How do I reset or update my password?

A. Please follow these instructions to reset or update your password here.

Q. What is a label?

A. The purpose of labels are to let students and teachers/coordinators easily keep track of their work (e.g. hours) by writing short descriptions or ‘subjects’. For example, students can set a label for hours to “Week #1”, “Week #2”, and so on. Or, “AM” for morning placements.

Q. What is the upload or attachment size limit?

A. You can attach or upload files up to 10 megabytes (MB) in size.

If you weren’t able to find the answer to your question, please contact our customer support team at

How do I generate a report?

To begin, select Reports icon on the left tool bar 

1. You can choose to generate reports for General Information, Demographics, Hours, Scheduling, Statistics, Organization/Employer, and Reflection/Journals

2. Select the report type you would like to generate

3. Use the search bar, date range and filters to customize the report and sort the data or leave it as default to generate all data

4. When you are ready, click the in the top right corner to generate the report

5. A separate tab will open up with a report, but you can also download the report by clicking  to customize the report further


How to Generate an Hour Report

1.  Select the  tab

2. Scroll down to the Hours section and select a report, we recommend the Overalls Hour Report.

3. There will be a number of filters which you can adjust. If you are looking to run a report on your class, make sure you set the Class filter to your class, otherwise, the report will encompass your entire school.

4. Once you are done adjusting the filters, click .

5. You can now export your report to Excel by selecting .